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Psilocybines - ADM-Space Disco




Anonymous [be] - 19 years ago

when i heard the intro i thought hmm, not my cup of tea, but at 1:34 i was pleasantly surprised. really nice baseline and percussion. but the strings dont really fit in, the guitar riff sounds a bit out of chord sometimes and the intro doesnt work for me. but you got some nice groove going there, build it more around that and you've got a great song. i'm lookin forward to see this one evolve to a super housetrack. greetz

KapiteinFrigo [be] - 19 years ago

comment is from me, guess i wasnt logged in properly.

Funky [be] - 19 years ago

I follow Frigo...Yep, there's a nice surprise waiting after that intro... Has a Dimi/Bob twist to it! Playboymansion music! Really nice! I also want a V2 ;-) I'll be watching for it... Grtz