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Psilocybines - ADM-In Fiamme




Funky [be] - 19 years ago

Wow...impressive! Is this a remix of some sort of did you made that all yourself? Anyhow...quite nice! Sounds finished... Nice work! Grtz

ReftsidelighT [be] - 19 years ago

yes.. i wonder the same as funky.. sounds real pro man! grtz

Psilocybines [be] - 19 years ago

bah this is not really a Remix, just the voices has not mine, this is (Ageha, Jocelyn Brown and Loleatta Holloway from A bette World) but I would to have my own voices but I can't sing lol

misstrohan [be] - 19 years ago

jip, nice one...
i was dancing in my room
+ fav

cestqui [be] - 19 years ago

i hate to spoil your fun,but where some stop commenting,i start,lol

1st of all impresive,so ya wont miss my ententions;,but.....

sounclip,from 1 ste second,too mutch stereo-enhancin;

2nd,i feel the vocal aint wright with some of the melo's,but with that lowpassfilter on some instruments,its hard to recognize;

vocal is loud,i notice it,after 2 minutes;

to me,it sounds lot like olaf basowski,pumpy house,but i miss some main melo,a nice trump,or sax;

also ,the compression of the kickdrum,i dont know,its like every 4 beats,the kick hits 1 time harder,but my gues its the bazeline-timing;

some time later,i start to think,you could variate the vocal,with simple cliche house-thingies;

end conclusion>>you made a good start,but the vocal draws too mutch atention,but with a nice mastermix,many probs could be solved(or individual mixin)

may be its time,you start makin qualety,instead of quantety;

i've seen mutch songs from you,but i dont recall myself commenting them;(cause i diden't)

this song,took less effort to comment,although its a nice text(lenth),cause it was more qualety;

but its always easy to saybad things,but i told ya where to look ,for solutions,so by all means....

its all positif what i have to say

depends on who's readin;

greeeeeeeeeetz,until next qualetysong


transynth [be] - 18 years ago

oow yeah
this is one of your best tracks to me.party music!!
has a lot of potential


transynth [be] - 18 years ago

i hope you'll finish this some day, cause it really rocks!