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Carbura - Interception


When I started this project I wanted to create something between underworld and fatboy slim. But project don't always and up as u xpect. So here is the result.

Mixed with headphones, so this could use some more work. Also, I want to get my kick tighter.






cestqui [be] - 19 years ago

clippin,all over;i have the feeling,the bounce of the kickdrum,is in the way ,of the original kick,due to some effect;

in technical terms,the release is too long,or the low end, is too present;

if the perc come,its not disturbin,but in the intro it gives a weird feelin;

melodic nothing wrong here,but oh sooo conventional;too my taste its a bit too fast bpm;i'm sure it would sound nicer a bit slower;

also,its like you copied the automations at each 4 bars,for a whole song;
play a bit with lfo -speeds,to create some variation,helps to create a build up tooo;

anyway,not bad,but i heared better from you,greeetz

reaman [be] - 19 years ago

you put the finger on the faiblesses yourself. Follow cestqui for the technical stuff. Some good ideas and strong parts, overall not very convincing. (This isn't my genre as well so don't bother my comment too much)

I can here where you're heading, it's not always easy to keep working at the project you had in mind.
The staccato saw isn't very original.

Carbura [be] - 19 years ago

edit: new perc, fx, bass.....

cestqui [be] - 19 years ago

i'm just wondering,what u changed,its even boring as before;

i mean ,the automations,sooo mutch more to do ,with this,and it starts and ends the same way;

ex,that guitrlead pad sound,end it like it ends now,but make it more building up material,if ya ran out of enthousiasme or idea's,i could install 3.0 and show u what i talk about;

and the kick is better and wurse at same time,you managed to correct what i talked about earlier,but now its a bit dull,unpowered kickdrum;

anyways,dont give up,soon ya'll see the light,lol
