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Carbura - Interception
When I started this project I wanted to create something between underworld and fatboy slim. But project don't always and up as u xpect. So here is the result.Mixed with headphones, so this could use some more work. Also, I want to get my kick tighter.
Carbura top 5:
The Grasshopper -
Forget about it -
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cestqui [be] - 19 years ago
in technical terms,the release is too long,or the low end, is too present;
if the perc come,its not disturbin,but in the intro it gives a weird feelin;
melodic nothing wrong here,but oh sooo conventional;too my taste its a bit too fast bpm;i'm sure it would sound nicer a bit slower;
also,its like you copied the automations at each 4 bars,for a whole song;
play a bit with lfo -speeds,to create some variation,helps to create a build up tooo;
anyway,not bad,but i heared better from you,greeetz
reaman [be] - 19 years ago
I can here where you're heading, it's not always easy to keep working at the project you had in mind.
The staccato saw isn't very original.
Carbura [be] - 19 years ago
cestqui [be] - 19 years ago
i mean ,the automations,sooo mutch more to do ,with this,and it starts and ends the same way;
ex,that guitrlead pad sound,end it like it ends now,but make it more building up material,if ya ran out of enthousiasme or idea's,i could install 3.0 and show u what i talk about;
and the kick is better and wurse at same time,you managed to correct what i talked about earlier,but now its a bit dull,unpowered kickdrum;
anyways,dont give up,soon ya'll see the light,lol