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misstrohan - deep into my soul




Carbura [be] - 19 years ago

Very nice construction. The bass sounds great but not on the high notes... Drums are perfect! The piano could be warmer.
Thumbs up for this one!

cestqui [be] - 19 years ago

yeah,great melodies,exept some disonantic ones;and yes the cheap piano can only be played from reason;

try to change the piano in some wurli or rhodes,there you might have more results,with the same melo;

anyways,easy listening song,i enjoyed it ,greeetz

Funky [be] - 19 years ago

Yeah! Excellent idea/melo's! Nice downbeat thingie...again! As Carbura said, the high bass notes feel somewhat weird...Maybe better if you don't let them climb so high...Dunno...And some piano notes feel somewhat 'hesitating', the melo's could come more upfront...maybe tuning the sound somewhat, but the melo's/mood is reaaally nice! Grtz, man!