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ZARk - Friday FreakOut




hopper [be] - 21 years ago

well, it's different than what you would expect from experimental, i don't like the piano, just think it's out of place, not really a good melody either, the drill and bass parts are quite nice, although the drumsounds are quite lame in the beginning. nice background athmospherics

Doorchaser [be] - 19 years ago

Well... Yes and No.

Sure like the whole idea, is truly an experimental song!!

But don't like the drumsound u use and I think you could've done more with the piano. I know you can!!

Am not gonna ask for a re-edit am just being honest!!

ZARk [be] - 19 years ago

actually this song illustrates what was going on in my mind that night ...

basically i was at this party, and it was pretty dark (obviously), but i kept getting the impression of seeing someone which i didn't really want to see ... ( a girl that dumped me couple of weeks before ).

so it kind of illustrates the anticipation and adrenalin increase, then the 'i think i saw her' heart rush and thoughts, then the 'oh no its not her '