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San - Deeper Into The Vibe


Don't expect a lot from this one.
Some easy beats and keys, filled whit a vocal-snippet from Roland Clark's - I Get Deep.
I'm planning to add some synth or piano to it once I get my midikeyboard.





GBS [be] - 19 years ago

hhhmmmm..its got that somthing that makes me feel peaceful and remind me of music of bent somehow.conclusion:it's nice

misstrohan [be] - 19 years ago

nice, but the beat and snare are to hard...
it could be a more chilly song with a softer beat

but well done!!!

Funky [be] - 19 years ago

yep, nicely done! Dreamy / Air touch to it...Follow misstrohann with the loudness remark..Grtz!