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the Chill Conspiracy - Burning Skies - the chill conspiracy




aphone [be] - 19 years ago

wow... strange the way you did this one man! melo is ok a bit too happy in mood for me but its nice, all the girls gonna cry :)) but its strange, you turn the track into a comercial triphop tune ... i think it is well done, but it s not my taste... you could arrenge a bit more the drums, a bit empty, so a lill perc or some hihats more... strings are verry nice in this style
lolll to complete this picture loll i would put some birds noises or somethin like this ... no serious, what happen man?? your in love or what? your triphop sound was mutch more underground before... strange evolution

liquidbass [be] - 19 years ago

Hi Aphone...

I agree... The main difference between this song (same for the one called "unfinished" also in ICZ) and the other songs is that my coproducer DJ PSION did most of the work and we only did the finishing together... so different basic approach... different result.
Concerning the drum drum section, this is just the basic beatz. The Chill Conspiracy outsourced their beat & percussion parts to a bulgarian drummer called APO(www.myspace.com/apooo) that will be a full member of the chill conspiracy soon... I'm sincerely looking foward to what he will do with songs like these!
We already worked on one song together... but I can't share it on ebel by now... due to copyright restrictions. The song will be published on a british compilation.

I take note of your comments & advice (!!!)... and yes ... underground will be back soon!

Thank you for your straight talking. I appreciate that a lot!


brandtkalk [be] - 18 years ago

nothing to say! it's a great track! may be too long! relaxing

PERSPEX [be] - 18 years ago

I just can agree with aphone for that one.. :(
I'm sorry to say but I only use this for a TV-commercial about "Happiness in Jesus town" :D

Maybe I'm not happy as you were by doing this.. :)