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Rude - Special piano + strings & choirs Emotional track


some kind of experiment with FL keys, sytrus pads & orchestral stuff... + choir samples





MucH [be] - 19 years ago

Nice man ... This is very smooth to listen, except the choir! i think fl is not the good soft for this genre of music ..

thumbs up = )

reaman [be] - 19 years ago

well, Rude, you surprised me...
If you had chosen a different title without the words piano/strings/choirs i wouldn't have listened.
Now i did and i'm glad. It's a nice melody.

TranceBoy [be] - 19 years ago

WAY too many reeverb on the piano.

For a good piano vst i would recommend u : Steinberg The Grand.

Or Edirol Orchestral

Floathing melody , nice .

Rude [be] - 19 years ago

not way too much reverb.
It's supposed to sound like this...
it fills up the background

cestqui [be] - 19 years ago

well rude,the dude has a point;but its not quit your solution;

i have a good explenation,what need to be done,to corect it,and still is like you want;

the reverb is may be how ya want it,but in the return signal there's too mutch low(bass);

so if its a vsti,use the reveb as fx channel,so ya have a return channel to the mixer,look up the channel,and begin to cut some low;
then ya can put it another 2db louder,thats the 2nd result;

for the rest,i enjoyed it,also surprized;nice compo;just very badd mastering;


Elfish [be] - 19 years ago

you're talented to make melodys like this!! i know it's difficult to make a melody with fl's pianoroll. But you did very well...

Rabauw [be] - 19 years ago

Very smooth composition, except for the melchoir, just like MucH mentioned. It's not easy to have human sounds coming out "realistic" through programming, whether it is FL or Reason you use.
You can already improve the quality of a song like this by adjusting the right parameters, like Cestqui so aptly explained in his crappy English ;)

For the melchoir I would like to mention that a) it's too loud in the mix and b) try to attach a vocoder to balance the depth and sound of it a bit more.

Compositionwise it's good, but like the others also pointed it, the production and finishing touch are yearning for improvement.

liquidbass [be] - 18 years ago


Anonymous [be] - 16 years ago

nice, but you should make the actual music begin faster