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Apleton - danny




Rabauw [be] - 19 years ago

Hey damn, this sounds great! As in a lot of songs, I'm missing vocals, but that's just of course my personal taste. Musically this is excellent, really dig this!

Cute bassline, nice threatening guitarwork. The mix is tremendously crisp, and this is how triphop should sound!!!

Into my fav-folder that's for sure!
Great stuff!

intertec [be] - 19 years ago

this track is mixed good

there are some nice voices in it and the
atmosphere reminds me of eastern-deserts and the game red-alert !

Rabauw [be] - 18 years ago

yeah long time since I last listened to this one. When I saw your new track on the muzik page it made me think "heh, apleton? isn't that the guy from my fav folder"... yeah it is :) Had totally forgotten about this track, glad to rediscover it!

You're still not planning to do a vocal version? (apart from the "i told you" parts?)