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ELFENKOMMANDO - panikstörung




agathokless [be] - 21 years ago

could you guys gimme some feedback plse?

is this 'structured' enough?
you guys feel there's enough variation in the rythm?

what's your global opinion on the track?

where does it need more work

thx in advance!

mik [be] - 21 years ago

That bellish sound is nice for the intro, but for the whole track? Definatly no. It gets on my nerves after a minute or so.
The overal seems lacking in many departements, there is no real flow, not much that really catch my attention.

The beats are nice, and the sound effects too. The bassline should be reworked though, to give it a bigger role in the track.

The structure ain't great, to be honest I feel it's more like a play/stop on different channels, with no real thoughts on it.

Also, why did you label this "Acid"? Maybe you should add some real acid sounds to it :)

Conclusion, I think this is a good base, but it really needs more depth and work to make it a real good piece of music. Keep workin on it!

Akwalek [be] - 18 years ago

love the intro. I like your calm approach.
It is different from the others i have heard, but then again, i did not hear them all, yet.
I like it globally,i think you can use the tinkle sounds for the whole song but maybe it is indeed a bit basic, so some variation in tone and or instrument would be nice + maybe a long echo here and there?
I schould also make it longer.And put it under elektronica.
still, Keep up the good work...

Anonymous [be] - 18 years ago

Good one - nice sounds, good rythms