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IntergalactikPu - Go Away (Hate Mix)


Don't get it wrong! ;)
I have some hate and happyness like everybody!
Its just the release of ma anger against some people with no sense of life!

But this one is little bit late hour music! :)





IntergalactikPu [be] - 18 years ago

Little bit tast of me!

bjornc [be] - 18 years ago

good stuff! as always...

KWeN [be] - 18 years ago

soooooo much hate in your song ^^

But i like it :D

Anonymous [be] - 18 years ago

Sounds WickED!!! realy like the Deathchant kinda Style...keep it up

IntergalactikPu [be] - 18 years ago

not realy your type peepz i see!
I'm tasting bad, :)
No bad reactions, weird!
At lease you gotta 2 say wath ya don't like! It can help me!

Rapestation [be] - 18 years ago

Don't know why you got so many thumbs down, it's an ok song.

IntergalactikPu [be] - 18 years ago

Yeah, don't realy care!
But strange, there is already better version! ;)

Oeto [be] - 18 years ago

A little less noise couldn't do any damage, tmag wel u bitje cleaner

IntergalactikPu [be] - 18 years ago

Kan ik idd doen , ma das 1 maal smaak!
Genoeg Disto tracks in de ronde!;)

SaPeR [be] - 18 years ago

too much distortion??? are you gay?
i like your style, you make the kind of hardcore i like to listen to
thumbs up, both of them and my body shakin like a bowl of jell-o

IntergalactikPu [be] - 18 years ago

Thx for your tast! ;)

Anonymous [be] - 18 years ago


Anonymous [be] - 18 years ago

Alright death music !;)

BabaYagA [be] - 18 years ago



BabaYagA [be] - 18 years ago

btw add to favs !!!

I want more more more


grischa [be] - 18 years ago

i would say HATECORE

harrstyle [be] - 18 years ago

3:06 is 2 fat :D again nice song

Anonymous [be] - 17 years ago

le debut est beaucoup trop lent je trouve (ce n'est qu'un avis) et il faut longtemps pour ke sa monte...