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Franz - Dirty line




cestqui [be] - 18 years ago

too mutch reverb on the drums,lower the return of the reverb(what comes out)

dont know about the choise of instruments,kinda kitchy,may be ad some drumpaterns,its always helpfull to get the song in a other level,it help you think of future melo's,cause the song could use some variations

its good that ya posted it icz,more of these people should do it,i would give more comments on those ;

its for people that need help and instructions,i gues the others know their shit;

keep it up man,what do ya use to make music,letmeknow so i can be more specific,greeetz


RedVade [be] - 18 years ago

agree about the reverb.. the whole song is played in a pan room ^^

great concept though.. nice