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komluv - Minimalistic dizm
It's been some time that I posted a track,I workt on some stuff,so this is some of it I hope ya'll like it.Greetz KL
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PlanetsCitizens [be] - 18 years ago
adio [be] - 18 years ago
cestqui [be] - 18 years ago
at 4min40,its the best melobleep i hear in the total song,why dont ya make it more like that,but with 1/2 looped in the beginning,life can be very simple and effective;
for that bazeline,i like it how it is,but what planetcitezen means,is...
ad some more low,or the attac -release settings on the compressor;
a reverb on a instrument,branched with send-return..the return goes to the mixer,and is a helpfull tool to make it seem louder,only through the reverb ya have that liquid effect to it,wich gives it again that distant feeling;
its all about balance,and that needs time and feeling ofcourse;
now that i feel you feel,i'm happy to comment this shit;
i just hope you absorbe what i've been telling,mold it again and again;
catch ya lataz,greeetz
bassmonk [be] - 18 years ago
komluv [be] - 18 years ago