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komluv - Drumcompakta
wel i got some problems with my PC so i could not make tracks but it gave me the thime to think about mastering and it help so tel me about it.Greetz KL
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largo [be] - 19 years ago
Most impressive I must say, a groovy tune, nice bass line...
Love your song, a favourite!!
cestqui [be] - 19 years ago
in perticular,in the longer loop,the last notes;
for the rest,is the rhythme nice,shaky;
loose the melody,and the organish pad,whatever,
not that found of the bazeline(try variations over 4 bars);its like someone telling a story ,that ya dont wanna hear,nagging!!
strictly personal taste,dont want to be ofensive;
good thing though,its was nice mastering and sound;