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komluv - Forma Klick
it's an older track but i reworkted some and cestqui it's good that you are hard on me because that inspiars me to do it beterSuggestions
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cestqui [be] - 19 years ago
its already better,just not found of that melo at 1min15;
and a short closed hi hat,would suit this so good!!!
the guitarmelo is better;but its time you went beond reason;if ya want natural stretched samps;
and import that product in reason,if ya like to finish it in reason;
i save you the trouble of lookin and searchin;hows that;
and uh,the higher freqs sound harsh
over all conclusion;kick is perfect;melo's can be more realistic(natural pitch and speed)
and euuh,will repeat myself,cause sometimes people need a bit of motivation(although i already said it,personaly),but u are on your way;
but dont think,by having us,as listeners,you dont have to prove yourself anymore,i know you dont think like this,but this is for acidental
readers ,lol
and i know i speak for a lot of people,that known artists loses that focus along their way in suxess;
time is still on your hands,make it usefull,you are young,make your songs more worked out;
if ya want a 5 min opinion,i'm available on msn,but all these posts,are sometimes unnecary;
and dont pretend there arent any other users here,and adress cqi all the time,so unpersonal;
and for alll others that never write comments,if i hear bad songs,and the user does not show himself too much in comments,i dont support;
vice versa;if some one comments all the time,and does not prove anything himself;he's on my shitlist;
i'm not egoistic ,when i say comments,its in general,not my comments!!!i heared a lot of good stuff lately;with little comments or sugestions;
each for his own,has to decide how he reacts,but i can say only this,be honost,dont be shy;most of ya are afraid to comment,for the repercusions;
as long there are people like me.....and some 4-10 others,and i dont call names(repercusions)
no-one has to fear it,as long as you stay yourselves(very important)
cause after all this fuzz,i aint eger to comment,and if i draw the line through to other people,i start to understand this desease among co-producers
music is about feelings,but if ya are filled with feelings like jelousy or greed,or whatever....where's it gone get you;
all you guys,say,what the hell he knows!!!!welll ,like it or not;
cqi's msn,has become a confesionchair,lately,complainin,naging;
not to speak of pm's
and it aint concerning me
djsennahoj [be] - 19 years ago
>>That's especially for me!!! Thanks for the attention cqi!!! I'm honored!!!
cqi's msn,has become a confesionchair,lately,complainin,naging;
>>So GET ON THERE komluv! Since he speaks so cristalclear he's a friend everybody wants... but not everyone gets him :(
cestqui [be] - 19 years ago
paint me of as an asshole
well,reflect on this one litlle sentence
>be yourself,and its gone be alright...lalallaaa
and friends,you have to disurve,and earn;
stop trying,may be you will get more of them;
you start to act like the cableguy,lol
and why is it that you feel adressed by the post?you seee any resemblence with yourselve,do you?
icteder [be] - 19 years ago
cestqui [be] - 19 years ago
Anonymous [be] - 19 years ago