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komluv - Cora Icognita


I ajust the snare and I reworked the track with goldwave I hope ya'll like it





firefrog [be] - 19 years ago

you have a nice bassline, and i like those high notes, but i totally dislike that beat!!! u used it many times in other tracks, but don't like it @ all!! try a deep punchy beat, instead of that blubby bass-less beat (i really don't feel him in my stomach!). if you put a good beat in this track, i would really like it!!! =>! i swear !<=

nitronic [be] - 19 years ago

I liked it very much indeed, added to favs

cestqui [be] - 19 years ago

that is a good remark,it always sound the same kick,in every song;

you can think,theer they are again,but with all these posts of your tracks,its just normal;

its like you need our aproval each time,i think if ya have some more self controlle,you schould be able to do yourselves;

1 thing is for sure now,you mis-use your mastersuites,cause the snare-ajustements,did something to the overal sound

and its not clean,anymore,wich i though ,was the main going-out-idea

this makes me want,to produce a techno myself,cause i start to sound like the rest;talk talk,and do nothing

but if i start it today,dont expect it in 3 weeks,catch my drift;

you schould try it,it works for everyone


Romek [be] - 19 years ago

keep the part where the beat etc is gone .. it's very much rino cerron alike (italian techno in general for that fact) and throw out the rest, it sucks
Then make a REAL techno groove along with it in minimal style
I hope you know which part I mean (that which is good imo)