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Levin - Vangschijf


Hello all.
This is my first song posted on electrobel. I used to make uplifting trance, but now I try to make more progressive/electro style music.
(2 songs wich I helped creating are posted here aswell, but not by me. paradise troopers - soulstealers & project GSX - chase our dreams)
I don't know what genre this song is, I just create stuff that feels right.

I started making this song for fun. I'm still a big noob in producing so I just try to improve myself by playing in FL. The result was better than I expected and some friends told me to post it here to get some comments so I can improve my skillz.

I hope you all enjoy the song as much as I creating it.

ps: Don't get confussed by the title... I just name my songs too the first word that pops in my head.

ps2: Every song I make is produced on 5€ headphone so don't shoot me if the soundquality isn't that sharp :p

Comments are more than welcome.





stryder [be] - 18 years ago

well i'm trance mod and for this site's trance level it's a worthy addition allready !

some of the perc's sounds could be better as wel as their structure..

crolerbedo [be] - 18 years ago

well, good sound, a bit of minimalistic trance, good melodies, but the sounds are a bit too....well, not worked enough ( 'can tell you cause i've the same problem ), and as said before, drums are a bit...shy
but it's worth the hit anyway

Levin [be] - 18 years ago

Thx for the commentz.

Yeah I used a simple Drumloop from a frien. I'm not very good with perc's and making my own drumpattern. Working on it.
I used to make only melo's for songs and not full songs, so thats why i'm still have much to learn with drum effects and soundquality.


TranceBoy [be] - 18 years ago

Deep phatt PAD used in here !
Mixing could be better , but since u do not have the installed equipment, i can shure see why this is still need to be fixed.

Melodies uses in this track are VERY potential !
We will shure rmx this track ,
but that is when we finally meet eachother , so i can hugg u once more !

Hmm , maybe 2 huggies :)


TheFluff [be] - 18 years ago

nice... but that "puck" sound is a bit harsh... drums could be better...

Levin [be] - 18 years ago

thx 4 commentz. I know my percussion and drums are never that good, but i'm still learning those. If i get better I'll remake this one so it sounds sharpe the way we all like it :)

Anonymous [be] - 18 years ago

not bad for a beginner

Anonymous [be] - 17 years ago

schijfke!!!! ;)