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DelinQuente - Get wood city
it is still en beta versionim working on the onther release
Thos song was created specaly for my Home town Getwood City ( Houthalen-H) its a trancy kinda song
I've got plans for this song , you wil hear them the next update !!! a betch yah :o)
seeya soon
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stryder [be] - 18 years ago
Levin [be] - 18 years ago
Classic start was my first impression, because I don't like the hat sound.
But when you go into the string/dreamyworld thing it's really nice.
Bassline give's a great feeling to all the elements in it. But i would go for some other basssound, because the kick bass kick bass kick bass thing is so much been done before.
SO... great song, great feelings, but change the bass pattern + sound and you got one hell of a song imo.
rule001 [be] - 18 years ago
like it a lot!