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introder - I wanna feel your body


Our third song we made...

For this one we used our own vocals, so we'd like to hear some comments about those :p.

I hope you enjoy it ;).

*edit: a major update, improved the mix, added some new elements to give it a warm and more full sound. Comments are still appreciated!





PlanetsCitizens [be] - 18 years ago

Could be nice! Maybe the vocal could be "colder" (not the way it sounds but the way you sing) and, ô paradox, warmer... I like the hook sample of your voice. It's just a taste. ;-)

introder [be] - 18 years ago

Thank you, we are working on the vocal now, we'll try to give it a warmer sound :). Thx for the comment.

Franz [be] - 18 years ago

Very good try. Look out to not try to make it too Tiga ;)

I think it's a really good try. The voice sounds a little bit too blicky but despite that I like what you've tried. It's dne with passion, I can feel it. Needs more work BUT very good try!

AudioCrack [be] - 18 years ago

waaaaaa nice :) techy

aphone [be] - 18 years ago

The intro is not good i think, not groovy enough for me, and i got to say i dont like the track very much but its only a matter of taste cause the sound quality is pretty nice! Good vocalz, missin some delays and reverb, good techno sounds and structure. Techno n house lovers should appreciate this a lot i think... not very electro anyway :p

introder [be] - 18 years ago

thx for comments ;).

FlashPointProd [be] - 18 years ago

Nice !!

Only voice is out of mix

Try with vocoder, peace up

Sapaj [be] - 18 years ago

it's house not electro or electro house maybe! i dislike the song i hate the vocal sorry "i wanna feel, your body"
Overall: 40%
very classical, no recherch no passion on this stuff
just, i feel a good sound texture, but the voice need a lot of mastering

transynth [be] - 18 years ago

intro is to basic imo,needs to be worked out...voice works for me, a reeverb/delay with formula or peak controller on it and you're off :)
still not a fan of the popcorn lead in the end, but thumbs up apart from that :) Grtz!
