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introder - Truth
This song was started off as an electro project. We had some melodies, but the sound just didn't fit. Now I revamped everything and used those melodies in a trance song. The result is kinda nice. Lots of power in the track.Maybe there is a bit too much bass, but I personally like that deep drive.
*Update: reworked the melodies, hope you like it! :)
Greets to you all!
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Erophin [be] - 18 years ago
and the melodie is abit to depressing to be used true the whole song ... just the intro ...and then switch to sum more original ^^
NunnE [be] - 18 years ago
i agree with erophin, u should try to take a 2nd melody to create mor difference in your track :)
introder [be] - 18 years ago
I'll try to find another melody there. any comments on the sounds?
transynth [be] - 17 years ago
TranceBoy [be] - 17 years ago
Use more distortion and noise to get more power out of your leads.
It sounds way too flat now .
I would go for another kick sample , one with more push.
Overall not bad , but the master and mix arnt that great.
Your percussion is distorting on heavy parts.
I would leave the piano out , and resample it.
Good luck !