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Phye - mousehouse
ok, just playing around with reason and differnt presets, had qsuite some fun making this one ^^comments are welcome
and as for the genre thing, i havce no idea, guess some sort of lounge
edit: i changed the bass sound to a less slappy form ^^, also edited the rythms of the drum around the climax. Personally i liked the slapbass, but its cool this way aswel
Phye top 5:
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Phye [be] - 18 years ago
about the downbeat, no worries, its ok for me
Distreality [be] - 18 years ago
also add xtra sounds after the middle of the track...
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keep it up
Phye [be] - 18 years ago
to dist, ye i noticed, after the second part it looks to much on the first, to few variations that are really noticeable
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best track i heard from you so far!
101sonic [be] - 18 years ago
sweet mood.
see you
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thumbs up!
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