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To be daddy is not easy every day but my 2 littles girls(Laura 7,lea 2 years)give me a lot of love,a lot of kisses...and also they need a lot love,kisses and time.Being responsible young daddy ask a lot of TIME.And then few time for making music.Résultat des courses: a short repetitive track making in few TIME. We all have watches but we don't have the TIME...SHIT... PS:if you have time you can add a comment... Pour mes 2 princesses





Sapaj [be] - 18 years ago

sweet track!
jolie arpèges au piano!
continue and devellope this stuff et je l'achète ce morceau :d ^^

orfeo [be] - 18 years ago

cool sapaj

Rabauw [be] - 18 years ago

"We all have watches but we don't have the TIME" --> this is a brilliant way of describing our everyday rushed lives, totally agree.

Now to the song: it's quite bizarre, slow start - then these drumrolls, strange combination of elements, I guess you wanted to point out how hectic life as a dad can be right? In that case you succeeded in your quest but it stops so suddenly? No different ending?

orfeo [be] - 18 years ago

In fact this track is not a new one but iwas little irritated of can't put a new track on the site because my 2 little ask a lot of time .I would like having more time for working music but on those days is not possible.And about the track,of courseit's not my best but in fact,since imake music it's the track i've made in very few time(2hours).This one is the relation between 'not having time and making in few time'.thanks for your comment.

Distreality [be] - 18 years ago

nice hectick track

orfeo [be] - 18 years ago

thanks distreality.well i've put my 2 prncesses on the image gallery on the site.