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kolmou - BOB SLEIGH Waterloo Classics (appartment 180)


this is a part of a live performance I made in 2005 at my place.
I placed cheap microphones inside and outside of my appartment in Brussels to have the sounds from the street and from new neighbours coming into the house. Then I began to improvise (after a few minuts) with my voice, recorders and tapes, radio, and percussions on objects and little instrument. The all thing recorded on tape cassette.
I made this final version yesterday just by cutting 3-4min and correcting the main volume.

the second part of the title between (...) is an obvious tribute to John Cage's late piece "Appartment 101" wich is one of my favourites!





Sapaj [be] - 18 years ago

cool sound experimentation

Sapaj [be] - 18 years ago

......you're crazy man :d

lorsen [be] - 18 years ago
