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bandouille - tried to do Minimal.is it ?




AudioCrack [be] - 17 years ago

yeah man really like this one ...
Like the kick drum that repeats itself .; reminds me of a track on new lagoa compilation ... very nice

cool rithem ...
tried to do minimal. is it ? yes it is and how ;)

grtzz and thumbs up

Phye [be] - 17 years ago

i dont know much about minimal, though i would say its minimal aswel . anyway liked the track, last part with the synths are pretty cool aswel ^^
thumbz up

Mimik [be] - 17 years ago

This is minimal. Minimal-electro I would say. Like it a lot till 1min35s, don't realy like this break, but it regains its power. Good work

Anonymous [be] - 17 years ago

minimal??!! je pense... mais peut etre devrais tu rajouter des spheres avec des echos...et des petits bruits un peutpartout..... :)