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shaolingroove - Prayer Wheel


Still originated from all acoustic loops. Same idea than with the 'chained remixes', except that here they aren't chained, but stacked, on about 16 tracks. When you think that each of these tracks is by itself a 32-tracks mixdown, that explains the thickness of this sound. I (Fred) am not entirely satisfied with it, though, but after delaying the vinyls for several years just for this remix, it had to be declared finished some day. As Robert M. Pirsig says (in "Zen and The Art of Motorcycle Maintainance"), a work is achieved when boredom outgrows frustration. Or maybe he didn't mean it like this at all but that's what i've remembered. (Note: I've had to damage it a little by reducing the bitrate here, or the mp3 would have been too big to upload. If you like it, you'll find it in a better quality on our website.)





transynth [be] - 18 years ago

whaaa dave angel style REALLY like this man!!!real party track....+fav nice work again :) must say I enjoyed all your tracks until now ;) Grtz

transynth [be] - 17 years ago

This needs more hits its really pro techno man!would fill up a dancefloor!

reaman [be] - 17 years ago

sounds very nice here....!