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Hyperion - Spiritual Sources (DEMO)




NunnE [be] - 18 years ago

i saw your comment on rbx, thx

so here mine hehe:

it needs a lot of mastering, kick goes to waste in the melo.

for your melo, the basic lead, try to add some notes, now the lead is to much in pieces, can't find the english word, so om een vloeiendere melodie te krijgen :)

try to arrange a bit more the composition and rearrange some samples. Bassline can be phatter.

in the middle, watch out with the delays where u create a second melodyline.

anyway, nice start, keep working on the track and try to use peak controller to create more depth in the track

Mindsystem [be] - 18 years ago

Yes try to make your kickdrum a little bit in front of your track and try to rearrange your work to have a better structure :-)
I Like your sounds in the break parts and the breakbeat sounds before the end of break. Keep it up
good job

transynth [be] - 18 years ago

very nice beatpattern, would work under a house track as well very nice that one...the rest is also good, but needs some cleaning up imo..Grtz