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brambo - everybody be cool
This is my first dark goasong which is created with fruity loops 5. I first put all the sounds in all different patterns with the needful effects. Than put that all on the right place which my brain has chosen. Fans off dark goatrance will be at the right place here ! :) comments will be allways welcome ! And you can call some negative parts of my song (if it's necessary :)) so I can change the negative things and have some more ideas for the next tracks I'm gonna make ! I hope you like it ! :)Suggestions
brambo top 5:
everybody be cool -
lost in the goblinforest -
forgotten sound -
running from horror -
catch the spider
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Anonymous [be] - 17 years ago
Lunchtime [be] - 17 years ago
brambo [be] - 17 years ago
Rabauw [be] - 17 years ago
Some pointers though:
-lose the guitar-sample, it's absolutely hideous in this track. Don't mind some guitars at all, but it's goa, not technopunk nor industrial, etc and it really feels out of place in this song.
-think of some better melodies, the main course consists of the beat+flanging fx, which are only the basics of a finished goa track basically. Add some more melodies, and use more delay for maximal clubvibe effect ;) Listen to some stuff from Bandarlog here on ebel, he knows the trick I'm sure you'll find some inspiration in his music.
But nevertheless not bad for a first track, keep digging mate!
rat [be] - 17 years ago
omihoshbin [be] - 17 years ago
BlueSpike [be] - 17 years ago
But that's not very hard.
Still, very nice sound, and I think the guitars fit in quite well. The song has a nice whole feeling, to my opinion. And idd, the "pussy vendor" sample, either you re-use parts of it, or you lose the whole thing, doesn't relate to the rest of the song as brambo and lunchtime said. Still, thumbs up!