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brambo - running from horror




Paradigm [be] - 16 years ago

Very nice. I would put in a some low bass in responce with the kick.

MXM [be] - 16 years ago

Nice one! Maybe you could make some variation in ur hihats.

brambo [be] - 16 years ago

thx for the comments and the typs guys !


Anonymous [be] - 16 years ago

Original trance as in the 90' s!!! I like it's indian-like melodic line. Go on adding harmonics.

Bitkit [be] - 16 years ago

Hey hombré, nice man, good structure, vibe. Maybe would drop 3 dB of the kick and 2 on hh. More squicky sounds also would sound nice. Keep it up!

bandarlog [be] - 16 years ago

²nd bitkit + add some subs and bass to that bass. It sounds way too full-on wannabe basses that lack bass :))

Add some low end mids in general and hp your snare some more. Nice atmo and potential dancefloorkiller for sure.

brambo [be] - 16 years ago

thx for the information amigo's ;)
I need to practice my mastering and also my soundcreation ...
maybe you can call some good vst's for more 'not wannabe' full on stuff :D
great set previous saterday guys !

Anonymous [be] - 16 years ago

I think the bassline needs less swinging, it's emphasized on the second beat, put a different groove in it. I don't like the hats, bit weak, make them agressive, some reverb could do, more 'snirping', maybe use a 909 hat, don't know. Do some compression on the snare for more 'tjak' 'tjak' sound, .It has room for some great bassline work, tweaking filters cut ; i say let the bassline take the track to the next chord/key change, arpeggiated chords ; albeit, a good start for madness ; )

Anonymous [be] - 16 years ago

nice melodic touch in the song , but what you should do is let this bass come up in the beginning of the song but you should change it to oldskool bass