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nebel - Under Eagle's Eyes


Think this belongs to experimental genre.
I'm not very satisfied with the change near the end because I didn't find a more appropriate sound for it.
Feel free to listen and comment or give suggestions!





Dreamchaser [be] - 21 years ago

The melodies are okay, but the song seems to sound like a midi file. I presume you created this with software (or am i wrong), so I would advise to use other programs like Fruity Studio or Reason or something like that, or if you already do so, try to use other instruments and add some effects. So, the composition is not bad, but I'd work on the sound.

feindbild [be] - 20 years ago

the song an sich is very good (as dreamchaser mentioned: the melodies). but it all sounds very plastic-like. i don't know what software you used to make this. you might want to try instruments that don't mimic real instruments and work on the sound. promising.

Aisling [be] - 20 years ago

If this is experimental, than I'm in for some experiments! It reminds me of neo-classical music. You're right about the end, though. I hope you can find an approprate ending.