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Kinet - Sweepy Tales




reaman [be] - 19 years ago

Well fuck did I miss something or not? I just listenend to the whole track without knowing it was on. Isn't that the true intention of ambient? The nicest wallpaper of sound heard on the site.

PlanetsCitizens [be] - 19 years ago

Wow! Something of Tangerine Dream here!!! Wonderful soundscape!

reaman [be] - 19 years ago

god i love this one... it makes me so calm, apparently so little variation but god this is one fine iece of music. Play this late-nite in your sofa... on constant replay!! (just wrote this comment because I love it and wanted it to re-appear in the comment list)

Kinet [be] - 19 years ago

hey, reaman, that very nice of you.
Sometimes i wish i could make more of these.
Now, vacation is in sight, big jobs have been done, i'll have some time for new inspiration. Maybe we can try something together, elektro - spacy - improvisations ...
Could be fun
:) :)

heatfuse [be] - 19 years ago

without any doubt one of the best songs in it's genre that I've come upon on eBel...

Great job, pure ambient, all very coherent, nice flows, very good mood-setting...i love it

this one deserves to be in the top3 of ambient track listings

meutn [be] - 18 years ago
