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phyrac - perfection


i made this a while ago. i did almost 2-3 months for it before it was finished. i send it to some guys i know, and they said it was very good. what does the "big public" thinks of it???





Scootchy [be] - 20 years ago

Big Public: I prefer Toxic the new single of Bitn& Sperms

Scootchy: I like the different sounds in your track, very modern. I like particularly the game between the "highly repeated SD" and the reverse SD if you know what I mean ;o). This rythm is really cool

Vladimirfokof [be] - 20 years ago

Very intressting ! I like it

Doorchaser [be] - 18 years ago

Nice, guess it's been a lot of work programming this stuff!

I find this very eclectic!

Good job!

firefrog [be] - 18 years ago

actually, i didn't had a sequencer then, so it is all done with freeware like hammerhead, ts404 (beta),.. the only hardware i used was a cheap roland e14 for the pads. after all the samples were made, i copy-pasted them in a timeline (music maker basic), recorded reversed drumloops and other effect and placed every sound manually. so it is actually no programming it all (its worse: manually :p).
am i glad that i discovered ableton live! :D