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Keepsake - our little kingdom




Anonymous [be] - 16 years ago

A bit short isn't it?
but very nice...
would love to hear a longer version.

Maybe the percussion between 0.50 and 1 min. should be a bit more upfront or something. Doesn't seem to completely fit in with the rest the way it is now...

NoobeatZ [be] - 16 years ago

jeaah keepsake on electrobel
bring on the other songs dudez0r ;)

Keepsake [be] - 16 years ago

yep, this is the short version i made as a soundtrack for my slideshow @ my graduation project

the other songs are too "work in progress"-y to show yet.

gimme some more time and they'll be up here ;)

MnemOnic [be] - 15 years ago

meer van die gitaar. zalig

Keepsake [be] - 15 years ago

Okay, I'll go dig to see if I still have the longer version. This is an olddddd song, but I have even older ones :)
Uit een foute periode :)

*EDIT* wow, I found some other things during my search for the files. They mostly suck big time, but whoa: nostalgia! :D
I found a very basic version of Ourlittlekingdom and decided to do some kind of remix/polished version of it.

I even found the veryveryold multitrack file I made in my old multitracker Vegas. We're talking anno 2000 nostalgia here :)
If I can find Sonic Foundry Vegas somewhere to open the .veg files (and a working pc, cuz i'm all mac now) then I'll remake Our Little Kingdom some time.

I love time travel :)

MnemOnic [be] - 14 years ago


Omyiga [be] - 14 years ago

very nice, fat mastering
too bad it's so short