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Sincha - Kyoto


Global warming is disturbing me...

-songs lyrics-

The earth is warming up
And you thing that you' re doing fine
The day seems so far a way
From disaster
You think you know what you're doing
You think you know where you're going
You never stop
You never stop
Cause we want more more more
Cause we want more more more
You took everything from this planet
There is nothing left
Only dirty trash
Laying around our heads
Humanity've never given
Something beautiful for free
And you may aske me why is it so
Cause we want more more more
Cause we want more more more
The earth is warming up
And so do we
nature is fighting against
Human race
Cause we want more more more
Cause we want more more more





firefrog [be] - 17 years ago

i like your synths and rythms! the voice is a bit too cheesy (like in cheap trance-music :( )and there is too much overall compression (you hear the sound bumping when the beats come in). for the vocals you could try a vocoder or maybe sing an octave higher sometimes when hell breaks loose. for the sound of the vocal, you might wanna take down the chorus because it makes the vocal too cheezy. another thing you can do is filter and pan the sentenses that u repeat, so that you don't just sing a sentence the same twice.
the idea is good, but should be worked out a bit further.

firefrog [be] - 17 years ago

oh, and make it shorter too (5-6 minutes max)

Gerrick [be] - 17 years ago

Nice track, like the synths..
For me the vocal is not that bad. :)
It does miss a pumpy techno feeling imo.
Maybe louder or change the kick that it gets more to the front
and maybe use some more hihats.
Hear only one or two for the moment, it would give this track a nice progression.
Overal nice track, great ideas.
Thumb up!

HarryPoppins [be] - 17 years ago

great track miss! keep on keepin on :p

Varanof [be] - 17 years ago

ja ja , good, ,a bit repetitive for me but nicely done

transynth [be] - 17 years ago

Gerrick gets it right, not about the bassdrum, but it misses just hihats, energy, and dynamic,, pity cause it could be great.And vocals are good, but should get a phat crush effect and remove the chorus.( not like in cheap trance music at all for me btw) it reminds me of some nice records i heared in the past, cool up till now, but not yet 'wwow' Grtz

Erophin [be] - 17 years ago

catchy song again^^ nice effects used.
sounds a lil like owen uses his vocals.
nice variated song!

Anonymous [be] - 17 years ago

nice work
you go e vision
love it keep it up
