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Skip - Lost Land


...guided by electronc crabs and insectghosts you discover a secret island wrapped in a massive white fog...

3rd version
ok,I kept the original 1 minute intro,
shortened the first melodic part,used the outro as second part(uptempo),
then I added a third part with that distorted bass as bassline (the fartkick sound),
and I finally re-used the first melodic part as the outro...

some details and effects have been added on top.

enjoy it





virlyn [be] - 14 years ago

aha, the skip i like: dark and gritty
very nice melancholic melo

the sound you use as kick could use more effects imo

anyways, great one again


Skip [be] - 14 years ago

great thanx, is that the most distorted kick used once in a while or one of the 2 extra kicks halfway through the track thanx Virlyn.
Yep want to expand that darker,more serious side of Skip...
to be continued

virlyn [be] - 14 years ago

the most distorted one is genious

i mean the one in the middle
,sounds a bit flat

ZoOlR [be] - 14 years ago

like the insects :)
very nice one!

Omyiga [be] - 14 years ago

Vree nice,
wijze melodieen idd
niks op te commenten eigelijk :)

endora [be] - 14 years ago

nice one !
the weird sound really makes me think of a bugg or something like that
thumb !

mONo [be] - 14 years ago

Realy good staff , remind me on from aphex twin , like this ambiance , little craches but hey whit time bye good sound cart and re export it ya ?
Take care

Skip [be] - 14 years ago

@virlyn:ok thanx,yeah,am doffice not 100% shure of that one,might try a different sample arangement,thanx mate
@ZoOIR:thanx bud,I like to work with the insects-like sounds because they can feel verry much alive (?)
@Omyiga:thanx kerel,oe ist ermee,over melodiën gesprookn, in dees ek mij vree inghouden, keer ne wa minimalistischer aproowtsh
@endora:mission accomplished ,thanx!
@mONo:Hahaha youre serious? the little crashes are homemade details to my music,(we often call them "glitches") thanx for the Aphex reference.

thanx for listening guys!

modulo0 [be] - 14 years ago

very interresting play with pan and mastering but, id like much more variations on melodty and beats, but not too much (to keep the interresting coherence )


Omyiga [be] - 14 years ago

lol @ 'crashes' comment :)
ja tis idd mss wa minimalistischer ma dermee zekers ni slechter,

rf061992 [be] - 14 years ago

not realy my cup but good work

CruizeOfFiction [be] - 14 years ago

Cool stuff

exept the fartbass XD


Tjahzi [be] - 14 years ago

dude, it's like magic. beautiful!

Skip [be] - 14 years ago

@modulo0:thanx,I want to keep it simple,check my old stuff and netreleases for more complexitiezzz(I warn you its chiptunes with drill n bass,check if you like)
@Omyiga:thanx son
@rf061992:apreciate it!
@Coffy:thanx,its a fartbass if you want it to be (check a particular genre called "frenchcore" for more farts, wink wink)
@Tjahzi:thanx mate,glad it is to you

particle [be] - 14 years ago

good eclectic beat, very dark, i love the sense for high frequencies here
en goe da er toch een skipgetrouwe melo in zit want anders wast wel heeel donker ;)
uw nieuwe sound zit strak man =)

omihoshbin [be] - 14 years ago

k' had em al ge hoort via facebook.
same as omyiga. super!

eckhart [be] - 14 years ago

melodies are GREAT
beat is for me maybe a bit static, dont know... although there's lots of different rhythms/swings in it, it doesnt really groove to me.

superb start nonetheless man, always impressed by your creativity

curious for the finished version already!

Jelle [be] - 14 years ago

nice base, kvoel em komen!
don't lose the darkness

IskaRiot [be] - 14 years ago

dees is wat ik noem een aangenaam luistermuziekske. in de goeie zin van die term dan he

Skip [be] - 14 years ago

@particle:not so dark for me personally, more like strange but nice,thanx voor sound ik doe mijn best : )
@omihoshbin:thanx mate
@eckhart:thanx a lot kerel,it is my wish to keep this one minimalistic (pure) in a way
@Jelle:Im afraid the second version will end up a bit bright,as I like my tunes to evolve throughout the length...
@IskaRiot:thanx son,ik wil er de wereld nie per sé mee verbeteren of zo dus no worries.een muzieksken is er om te beluisteren.

next version soon,thanx for the feedback everyone.

IskaRiot [be] - 14 years ago

allez, verbeteren die wereld :p
nenee, kbedoel in de zin van deze track, koud winterzonneke, boekske erbij en chillen maar
iets wa ik nie zou kunnen op 360euro's :)

Skip [be] - 14 years ago

ah kwou maar zeggen ; tis een muziekske en t'is voor te luisteren dus ghebt gelijk ,en apreciate it :))

HyeVolture [be] - 14 years ago

cool! I hear some sk'p, some skip, maybe some aphexlike melos too, and maybe a kind of dubsteplike mood in the beats. verdict: good early demo, really interested to hear the finished product, think it will be a goodie!

Anonymous [be] - 14 years ago


liquidbass [be] - 14 years ago

very müch amazing good superb excellent bang-up bully, corking cracking dandy great groovy keen neat nifty peachy swell smashinggood enoughgoodishhotredeeming prenominal

teebo [be] - 14 years ago

goddamn nice
beat is excellent, (kiekevel when it kicks in) but i don't like the first part of the melodie, sounds too normal, slow and braafkes. Outro is amazing but the track stops just when I'm starting to like it. I really think that you should Skip the part with the slow melodie.


HarryPoppins [be] - 14 years ago

coole beatjs

HarryPoppins [be] - 14 years ago

first two minutes are my favorite

moreNmore [be] - 14 years ago

super et impeccable !

Skip [be] - 14 years ago

@HyeVolture:thanx bud,how you like it now
@Liquidbass:you mad son of a , thanx!
@Teebo:I would gladly accept creative advice,the mood is totally as intended sorry mate,Outro idd...Ill use it for a sequel I think yeah.
@Harry:thankz, still hesitating on the evolution of it...perhaps next version will have a continuous flow wich slowely evolves towards some other mood...
@moreNmore:thank you sir.

I most hesitated on how often the melody would be used throughout the track,this would be the "clean" version,might make it more twisted for next version...

stay tuned

Rag [be] - 14 years ago

jup nice, really good atmo
enjoyed it :)

Jelle [be] - 14 years ago

great crisps and chreps and tsjrriks! but as been said it needs some more work imo. the pitching is der sometimes uuk wa over for me. I'm really a fan of what you do at 3:30, few artist would dare having such silent moments, with such few instruments in a song. looking forward to the next!

transynth [be] - 14 years ago

nice work man, cool glitches & stuff.. sometimes i feel like the melody could be worked out better. Thumbup

Leftchest [be] - 14 years ago

daaaaym son
+ favo skiptunes allready
curious for the finished one!!
good busy anyways!!!!

liquidbass [be] - 14 years ago


particle [be] - 14 years ago

ow, vetten edit kerel zit heel lekker als die beat loskomt, zot gevoel voor fx
en loving the bassline ;) ( kunt er mss nog wa mee spelen ? )


ZoOlR [be] - 14 years ago

nice edit! love how you play with the melo's

Skip [be] - 14 years ago

indeed particle, the distorted bassline...was thinking of extending that part maybe? not shure... so many ways

dialekte [be] - 14 years ago

nice track

omihoshbin [be] - 14 years ago

great! voor den een of andere reden vink uwe snare super wijs, nix speciaal ma wel cool. et stereo/pan fx
op de kick vink wa minder ma das mierenneukerij.
zeer ontroerend kwa melo's.
go skippy go!

Skip [be] - 14 years ago

thanx buddy!
(van die snare;heel heel lichte reverb erop gezet,gelayerd met een meer "tok"-achtige snare en equalizer voor de highs te boosten om hem zo nog meer fris te maken...van die kicks, ik gebruik er 3 verschillende waarvan 1 meer in stereo is en de andere meer mono-stijl voor wa dimentie in de beats.)

Rag [be] - 14 years ago

nice! jeah really like your experimentations mr skip :)
really cool bassline
love your glitchy sounds btw

HyeVolture [be] - 14 years ago

top-notch outcome!

Jelle [be] - 14 years ago

nice, very touching melo's in the first part there mate. indeed cool bassline in the end. thumb up!

CruizeOfFiction [be] - 14 years ago

tunetje ze

anto [be] - 14 years ago

yeap nice job, i like your ambiance, it miss fat bass for but great song !

Skip [be] - 14 years ago

comments helped me through this track ,so I thank the all...up to the next one

CharlesPomme [be] - 14 years ago

Just listened 3 times and I'm impressed...
This one goes straight to the allmighty Ipod

Skip [be] - 14 years ago

thanx Charley , glad its enjoyed

Erophin [be] - 13 years ago

Nice :) love the sounds used. The dubstep rhythm feels weird in this kinda of ambient atmo... ah around 3.42 the beat-song is more to my liking ;)

Brainflash [be] - 13 years ago


TikkiMasala [be] - 13 years ago

nice track
well done
i enjoyed listening

ALXSIX [be] - 12 years ago

Love the little glitches and the atmosphere!

Oxygen [be] - 12 years ago

top production. cant keep my head still on this track. keep up the good work!

gavinmatix [be] - 10 years ago

this track is dope. nice and tight, with a pinch of glitch