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LeBelgeElectrod - LOW voice




omihoshbin [be] - 17 years ago

but nice

omihoshbin [be] - 17 years ago

and also brilliant

Skip [be] - 17 years ago

waw,verry "cool" vibe with a nice experimental touch.
Interesting to hear you use verry low and verr high tones only,almost.
a fine piece

Varanof [be] - 17 years ago

hyperstructured... as usual chez toi^^
very cool prod, alot of pression on this

icteder [be] - 17 years ago

quite different.i love it.the tension you build up is sublime.well balanced elements and a tight composition.good job

ReftsidelighT [be] - 17 years ago

interesting trip! very cool sounds! thumbz up! grtz