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xeroderman - acid is everywhere



if you don't like this song i understand it

(and sorry for my english...)

i made an amen break with ableton etc etc and melodies with vst





aphone [be] - 16 years ago

nice ideas here, missin some work imho...

Skip [be] - 16 years ago

hey not that bad dude.
I ould try to add more melodic elements to have more harmony (different melodys to have one whole vibe...comprendo?)
the kick and the snare could be more punchy,but as it is now it gives a nice flow.

about the melody,you could put more feeling into it, just try lots of combinations untill you get something you like yourself, it demands some sort of experimenting even if its just about the melody.


phollox [be] - 16 years ago

Nice atmo, very strange, but in agood way! Beat onlyneeds to be a bit more varied imo, a bit more crazy :)

particle [be] - 16 years ago

strange, somehow reminds me of classical music^^
anyways keep experimenting dude, as mentioned already it's half as bad as you think ;)

MadRab [be] - 16 years ago

yeah, not bad. Keep up

Anonymous [be] - 16 years ago

Really relaxing. I like it.

bouwakanja [fr] - 16 years ago

where is da bass bass bass!

great melodie!!