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Axiomatic - LFOrgy


no idea which style goa this is, it's not dark but i think it has a dark atmosphere

it's still under construction but wanted to get some feedback on it to help me with the last touches.

edit : i mixed and it's been mastered bij arteria
i still plan on changing some of the structure of the song but that'll be for after the exams


Axiomatic top 5:




eudaimonia [be] - 16 years ago

Yeah can't make out what style that is either. a bit chilled out dark bit dreamy'er. I like it, I like the idea that you can create something between certain styles

Ahimsaka [be] - 16 years ago

Very good, just crank up the climax a bit and it will be great.

fullfill [be] - 16 years ago

yeah nice one,

keep it up;)
i like this style of goa..

ShiZen [be] - 15 years ago

before 4:32 yr kick is too loud in comparison with all yr other sounds, after that yr kick and hihats are too loud in comparison with bass and other sounds. if you fix these problems yr mix will have a lot more 'wow' factor

Axiomatic [be] - 15 years ago

thx for the advice. i'm gonna do my best to get some time in to edit some other things too and then try to get it mastered a bit, but atm i'm 'in den blok'

Arteria [be] - 15 years ago

You know I love your song :D