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liquidbass - silencer (in construction)


I was recently inspired to start something in a new genre... so I started building this track. But now after several hours I have mixed feelings about the track. I dont really know where to go from here... and what to keep and what to delete... what about the organ melody in the first minute... is it as pointless as I feel it? what about the sequencer part? Shall I replace it by something else?

Any advice very much appreciated!





DCE [be] - 16 years ago

First, it is a good start, the base is favourable to the development of a very interesting atmosphere.
I do not find that the 'organ' sound in the first minute be unjustified, maybe that would better less smooth, more grain, dirtier, to change its texture registration and supplement the palette ? (just a suggestion hein!)
I think also that it would be necessary to let the piece breathe, indeed the continuous bass takes a little bit place, overflow on the other instruments, maybe if you cut this one sometimes in choosen moments ?
Concerning the sequencer part, you talk about 57'' ? I would leave it as that but I would play on the panoramic and in a displacement in the depth of the reverb. (just a small suggestion aussi ;))

A good start in any case, to continue urgently ! ; -)

liquidbass [be] - 16 years ago

thank you very much. very helpful! ^^

rf061992 [be] - 16 years ago


hope my com help u

BpOlar [be] - 16 years ago

maybe it's a bit too ' stainless steel '
a bit dirt & glitchyness could be welcome

btw never trow something away ...

Skip [be] - 16 years ago

what I do in such a case, is start from what you alreaddy have and try diferent approaches that you each save, so youll have different demo-versions of your track,youll soon see that one of the versions appeals more to you than the others...
I do that often, its a good technique for tracks that are hard to continiue on, and I usually know right away what to keep and what to throw away.

about the track ,Idd skip the firt minute and use the last part with the high reverbed synths as an introduction.Pretty cool vibe you have.
good luck

liquidbass [be] - 16 years ago

htx.... good advice!

Polletzebuerg [be] - 16 years ago

salut Steve
verrrrrrrrrrrrrrry nice song ,
" änner net ze vill ,et as gut wéi et as"

KaZaN [be] - 16 years ago

a bit soft

IndustrialFreq [be] - 15 years ago

This is what i like!
Deep and dark..

Keep it up!

sermeq [be] - 15 years ago

Hey man, nice athmo, good work...
I like the "pling" sounds, the "end" could last longer, then I'd propose a "comeback" of the middle part with some more variations...
Anyway, make it longer and it's amb.., eh, sorry, cool!!!!

Anonymous [be] - 15 years ago


Anonymous [be] - 15 years ago

i like the bassline, but you are right the first minute organ is out of place, and you have no high sounds something that would make your ears say... aaghh i hate that noise but dont stop it please, or why not some blazers with arpegiattor instead ofthe simple organ?