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Caiphas - Crapcore


First try at something core-ish after about a month of screwing around with Ableton for the first time... (Due to lack of proper samples I sampled the outro of a Micropoint song to serve as intro...)

Could use some constructive criticism so please comment!!

Update: compressed the whole thing a little bit but the Ableton compressor isn't really my thing so it still doesn't completely sound the way i'd want it to...


Caiphas top 5:




Caiphas [be] - 16 years ago

-- Comment deleted by Caiphas--

Supression [be] - 16 years ago

sounds really cool, i liike it.
but it needs some remastering, sounds way to "bassy", if you understand what i mean ;-)

over all, really cool song!

Caiphas [be] - 16 years ago

And yup i know, haven't equalized or compressed it at all so far... Hate that part... :)

BlueSpike [be] - 16 years ago

Nice, this could really become a great partytrack, told u before.
But as you work with ableton more you'll get to know it better I guess. Cuz now it indeed sounds a bit 'dofkes', still.
But goe bezig anyhow :D

tiger001 [be] - 16 years ago

watch the sample thread on this forum for leads 2 wav/rex files etc.

just a little bit 2 bleepy & straight for my taste ; where's the story?

how should it sound then, in yr opinion?

Caiphas [be] - 16 years ago

I like the bleepy stuff though... :D

Why watch the forum? You mean I should stick a couple of samples in there?

And it should sound, i don't know, harder, faster, better? A lot more diepgang anyway... :)

Anonymous [be] - 15 years ago

Yes, cool funny good beats^^