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IskaRiot - fist up the popprincess\'s ass
dear friends,here's my shitcoretrack of the day. i made this to amuse myself during the day. and with amusing myself i mean:
i was trying some new stuff, something funny happened, tried to work it out, that didn't work so i started messing arround and foefling. in other words: i tried, i failed, and i don't want to bother standing up and try again...
fuck soundquality!
fuck the mix!
fuck mastering!
& fuck the goddamn poprincess!!!!
hooray for fun!
have a laugh ;)
IskaRiot top 5:
Psytrance is for Wankers! -
I Need to Watch Things Die -
how to dance mambo -
fairytale-kor -
the ugly duckling
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Omyiga [be] - 16 years ago
You messed it up good alleszins
vooral opt einde argg :p
wel wijs melodieke daar int midden ergens
teebo [be] - 16 years ago
strakke boel alhier, lang leve chaos, al ist soms mss wat teveel chaos. kvin het allesinds heersen experimenteel
keep up
IskaRiot [be] - 16 years ago
normally i wouldn't post such a misbaksel like this, dunno why i did it. maybe 'cause i had soo much fun making it.
really, all that serious stuff concerning producing homecooked tracks can really take the fun out this hobby. i'm thinking to keep the church in the middle from now on, making funny shitcore tracks (a mix between iskariot and jonasvandevelde if you like) on one side and working out stuff to a proper track when i can find the inspiration and willpower to hang on 'till the end.
so people, just tell me if you dislike it, give that thumb down, i really couldn't care less with these kind of tracks, in the end all that matters is my fun, my enjoyment...
ZeBrokenEgg [fr] - 16 years ago
IskaRiot [be] - 16 years ago
MrBadMonkey [be] - 16 years ago
than bout the really is a cool track for making mash-ups, but if i was you i would make it 3000x as fucked up as now...the cutting is alright, but try to use more different samples...
ja sorry man k weet t tis mss geen leuke comment om te lezen...maar ik denk echt dat het beter is om de ingesteldheid "crapcore moet slecht gemasterd en gemixed zijn" te laten vallen...masteren en mixen is idd moeilijk (ik zuig er danig hard in) maar zelfs crapcore wordt gemasterd...tis de enige manier om iets vet te laten klinken...maar spreek u nog wel is op msn...
keep up (btw ik geef u ook geen duim omlaag want ik haat die dingen)
HyeVolture [be] - 16 years ago
IskaRiot [be] - 16 years ago
yeah you're right
about the tune thingy, i try to keep samples from other songs under the legal(?) 3 sec. for obvious reasons, esp when they are very xell known.
en kwenie ja, bij mijn weten is crapcore de stijl die ik mijn eigen toeschrijf, let vooral op het woord crap voor de core ^^
"experimenting is the key" everyone says, well untill some experiment works out i really have no idea what in ravin' jesus name i have to do to get a clean sound
@ hye: vetzakske!
MrBadMonkey [be] - 16 years ago
particle [be] - 16 years ago
een beetje dof van mix wel, mag wa scherper van mij
particle [be] - 16 years ago
IskaRiot [be] - 16 years ago
DaGroovv [be] - 16 years ago
Aceton [be] - 16 years ago
good track with A shitty mastering
that's our iskariot
gonna listen again its cool
keep up
CruizeOfFiction [be] - 16 years ago
tis wijs, lekker feest^^ maar de kicks komen er nie echt uit, amper impact (en ook de breaks die erin zitten zijn ver niet te onderschijden)
kga eig akkoort met monkey enzo.
Die mix moet echt beter!
Maar langs de andere kant: reason is echt niet gemaakt om sampelmateriaal door elkaar te smijten imo. Mijn geluid suckte daar altijd 1000 (duust) keer meer in dan in ableton...
da laatste stuk is echt nienommal pijn in de oren. Iets teveel JVDV voor mij^^
soit: goeie ideen, uitwerking kan wat beter
doordoen kapoen!
IskaRiot [be] - 16 years ago
voor de rest edde gelijk ze, ma khad echt geen zin om nog ma te proberen dit deftig uit te werken :p