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brambo - orbit


okey, I removed the previous 'orbit' song, because I tought I could make it more stronger and atmospheric.
So I've put in a acidic part in it and also changed the sound from the melodie. I also changed the hihats and snare.
But still ICZ !
I hope you like it ! :)





eudaimonia [be] - 15 years ago

aaah ! good job on the acid part ! really nice!

brambo [be] - 15 years ago

thx !!

spheria [be] - 15 years ago

i like it! very melodic and cool acidline; but imo the kick is a bit to loud...
Nice one!

eudaimonia [be] - 15 years ago

your melodies and acid are really really great!
But you need second layer in the beginning ...and I still don't hear that much atmosphere.... :p
this could really be a really good song !

brambo [be] - 15 years ago

do you mean a backgroundmelodie or something like that? :D

DonTimmeh [be] - 15 years ago

I think you need to build up with a few more percussions in the beginning, and a good background sound would make things better too I believe. Try out a few sounds from PoiZone or Wasp XT.

That said, I like your style, it's definitely not bad.