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Heimsonne 60hz - The Beginning Version2


This is now my second song , it's version2 of my song The Beginning.
Please listen The Beginning Version2, and The Beginning too, and comment it to say me what you prefer.





liquidbass [be] - 15 years ago

I like this way better than the first one. Now think about where to go from here. Consider this as one part of the song and now start creating another part. You can still come back to this one whenever you want.

In these new parts, change the beats, the main theme, the basses... add different things at the endings and dont forget the fx I showed to you

rf061992 [be] - 15 years ago

yes, go to V3
imo 2 different track

Ozkillator [be] - 15 years ago

it's better than v1 indeed!, volumes are better ;) but i still feel that some instruments are to loud in comparison with others.

Keep it up!