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HyeVolture - vergetelheid


a downbeat background track with some poetry in the end. For me personally this is more my version of a burzum track than an artie fartie blackbox revelation version of blikken doos, but my reasons to make this kind of stuff are not to be considered at all.

the lyrics go:

reductie tot herinnering
zonder bewuste spijt
verwordt het tot een beweging
richting vergetelheid

een eenzame gedachte
doordringt de tand des tijds
maar snel vindt het zijn weg terug
richting vergetelheid





Skip [be] - 15 years ago

!Great concept
wicked buildup,melody,mood and simplistic kinda experimental beats.
I would leave everything out when the lyrics start, and put an effect on the voice...but offcourse that might reduce the realisticness (wtf?) of your reality.
other minor would be the electric guitar, the element that fits the less imvho.
first half is golden.echt

Ndus3alFrequenC [be] - 15 years ago

waaw, great song man!!

IskaRiot [be] - 15 years ago

vo een burzumtrack toch ma weinig, veel te weinig distortion ze :D
nenee alle gekheid op een stokje
vo mij u beste nr so far
doe mij denken aan kruising tussen mum, underbyen, spinvis en een melacholische varg idd :p
u geluid van u percussie is hemels, echt, dikke vieze vette duimen, en vo wa het waard is, 2 dikke tenen!

Omyiga [be] - 15 years ago

wola, idd your beats are really nice
goeie volle sound ook door dien bass.
+ one of the better atmospherekes dak ier gehoord heb laatste tijd. gitaar vind ik persoonlijk wél passen.
Just mss nog een langere outro; zowa langer afbouwen dus (of gwn langer maken), want nu stopt uw lied zo vree plots terwijl het leek dat het nog lang ni gedaan was; thumbkeuj

eckhart [be] - 15 years ago

without hearing the music the second verse could have been written by spinvis

really liked the first part. maybe you could put the poem in the middle, and then add that more distorted part with the beatplayed backwards? mm

good one

particle [be] - 15 years ago

waaw ! goood one man, i liek it, maybe one little suggestion, you could use a clap on the snare now, could give something eclectic to the beat, more spank
gold stuff anyways, lots of hitpotential as usual ;)
great piece of poe too , alhoewel ik vergetelheid nog altijd geen geruststellende gedachte vind

HyeVolture [be] - 15 years ago

I reveal nothing! thnkx for comments and tips!

HyeVolture [be] - 15 years ago

ebel said I wrote twice the same but I didn't...

HyeVolture [be] - 15 years ago

c o c k s u c k e r y o u f u c k e d m e u p !

Rabauw [be] - 15 years ago

The piano is well-tuned, sounds very nice. It's good that you put some idm-ish geklakkel in the background.
Hehe those black metal guitars fit in well, so I guess is this what you mean with your burzum-tribute. Think you should keep that sound until the end, it gives more crescendo to the track.
nice one mate!

rf061992 [be] - 15 years ago

nice one.......cool

Jelle [be] - 15 years ago

ace vetvetvet. think you have all the elements for a massive tune here, but what I might rethink is the structure. I think you can get even more out of your lyrics and voice