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Libidoil - Donal Dunk
LAST EDIT :Ok, 2nd day I'm working on this one. I think it's a HUGE one. I worked a lot on mastering, on background and on lot of stuff. So what's new ?
- Mastering improved for the bass and sub.
- New intro with a sample from cartoon and some other samples to sustain the beat and the transitions.
- Lot of automation to mix the FX off all elements together and make it more powerfull than before.
- I changed few steps of the breaks.
- I changed the electric melody to make it more diversify and getting a climax point on the 2/3 of track (HUGE sound at 3:20, push to volume you'll see).
- Muchos more crazyness than first version.
I'll keeping working on this one, still lot of things to add :]
Comments are welcome :P
BOUYAAAAAA !!! I received this strange message today :
[I]* Message to all Ebelers *
Wake up Ebel, this is war out there ! The ducks are invading our world, with Donald Dunk on the lead. And he is really angry coz some one have killed Daisy (to cook her with pepper and salt) :s
Oh my my ! Donald want his revenge on the humans, and he gets a giant army of completely sick and kamikazes ducks ! They're coming, I can ear them walking quickly on my direction. Haaaaaaa I can ear Donald screaming, he's completely mad, he wants to kill me, he's very close now, oh my.. AAARRRRRRRGGGHLLLL.
* end of transmition *[/I]
Dunno if that guy is serious, but there was a file joined to the message, with an .MP3 !? Actually, I can't listen to it on my speakers, with max volume and subwoofer on, coz It's sunday, it's 9am, and I can't ear anything more (my headphone and this sick track killed my ears).
So I need you Ebel, to tell me how it's playing on your speakers, if the bass are goods, the beat, and the high freqz balance, etc etc. Some feedback would be muchos appreciatos :)
In my headphones it's pretty cool (need to fix the masterging, too much compression kill the compression, and It's fockin hard to get all the elements balanced well on damn headphones). Still alot of work to do on this one, but I'm pretty happy with the actual results. Got plenty of ideas to get a background with donald duck samples and crazy shity sounds to diversify a bit. But, at moment, my CPU is messin up (need to export my synthz to samples) and of course, I should sleep :s
SO, as Leeloo Dallas would say, PLIEAAAZZE HEEELPPP ? :3
- Mélange de Dubstep / Hip-Hop / Breakcore / Abstract / Carioca / Etc.
- Beat puissant, 100% fait main, soutenu par une douce basse grinçante et grésillante (hyper méga compressée et EQizée, j'ai un peu d'mal à gérer tout ça pour l'instant).
- Ambiance d'apocalypse canardesque, sur fond de wobble coin-cointante.
- Un synthé distordu et échoifié semblant se lamenter, tel Donald fou de rage après le massacre à la casserole de Daisy.
- Une bonne dose d'amour évidement, pour toi Ebel :3
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HarryPoppins [be] - 14 years ago
a bit less fan of the melody coming in at 1.10..
good sound :)
Libidoil [be] - 14 years ago
Now I've eard it on my speakers on max volume, with subwoofer, and it's pretty good, so I can work on it to improve the 2nd part.
Thks for listening and comment ;)
Edit : and actually I tryed to make the wobble looking like a duck sound, I tryed every single wave form on Massive, but it's a hard task ya know :'(
cobrider [be] - 14 years ago
Janus [be] - 14 years ago
Bwaha !
I can't give you any constructive comment since I'm a beginner; but keep up the good stuff funky ball. :D
SEXTOY [be] - 14 years ago
Libidoil [be] - 14 years ago
I'm working on the 2nd part, where the electric screetchy synth's is going crazy and even more trashy. Update coming soon!
mONo [be] - 14 years ago
ZoOlR [be] - 14 years ago
le beat cartonne, l'ambiance générale est toute bonne ;)
corbendallas [be] - 14 years ago
Libidoil [be] - 14 years ago
Got all the samples I need, the ideas to get a decent climax point and a nice ending. Update coming soon I hope ! :D
@ Zooir : c'est marrant c'que tu m'dis, quand j'écoute le son chez moi, ça manque presque d'aigus (sur les baffles et au casque), même quand je mets les equalizeurs de itunes sur Dance, Hip Hop ou Electronique, mais je l'ai écouté sur des petits baffles d'une chaine stéréo classique chez quelqu'un, et effectivement, les aigus avaient tendance à s'emballer avec la sub, surtout aux 2/3 du morceau. Je vais essayer d'arranger ça, même si je ne sais pas encore comment :)
indianajohn [be] - 14 years ago
et a 3,34 je surkiffe cette petite distortion!
Libidoil [be] - 14 years ago
J'avoue, je surkiffe aisément ce petit passage aussi, je ne m'en lasse pas tellement il est puissant dans mes oreilles quand j'fous le son à fond. J'vais essayer d'optimiser encore un peu l'effet VRAOUM dans mon prochain step histoire de faire cracher ce vst au max de ces possibilités. Mais c'est un VST 100 fois plus gourmand que n'importe quel autre (même massive, c'est dire). Il me faut genre 25 secondes pour le charger, et une latence de 10 secondes à chaque fois que je fais marche/arrêt du morceau. J'ai du faire un projet à part rien que pour ce VST en fait, et c'est toujours une corvée de l'utiliser, vous n'imaginez même pas ^^
Libidoil [be] - 14 years ago
But it was wrong settings (was working on headphones) and now the sub is too loud and saturating. Can't find my compressing settings back, and I'm completely mad and unable to continue at moment.
May be later if I find motivation to work hours to get the sound back :(
AnaBolicSystem [be] - 14 years ago
ouais la ptite disto a 3.30 ca degomme, tu parle de quel vst la en fait??
IoNiZeR [be] - 14 years ago
Anonymous [be] - 14 years ago