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The jaw of Hadelin - Alone in the Church


Alone in the Church
ZARk - DCE - Kwen - S-cape

Extract from a 4 day improvisation in the Saint-Hadelin's Chruch, at Celles-lez-Dinant for the "parcour d'artiste" 2010.

This track contain some emotion changing along the time, lot of surprises in a progressive wave.





Erophin [be] - 14 years ago

I like the Pete nNamlook & Klaus Schulze atmo, (the moog synth ) the voice is a bit enerving at some point. In the beat the snare drum could use some variation perhaps? ah i hear harp :D Nice collab

LandMAKER [be] - 14 years ago

Really like that...DCE's fan represent...tripping noises

S-cape [be] - 14 years ago

Of course it could be better in many ways, but remember that this is a one shot, whitout any starting idea ^^ Good experience, i recomend it to you all, even if you think you can't improvise !

ZARk [be] - 14 years ago

love this part

DCE [be] - 14 years ago

good memories, a perfect fusion between 4 four different spirit in total improvisation with 6 synth, 2 BAR, 1 groovebox and 3 laptop :-))

DCE [be] - 14 years ago

good memories, a perfect fusion between 4 four different spirit in total improvisation with 6 synth, 2 BAR, 1 groovebox and 4 laptop :-))

DCE [be] - 14 years ago

good memories, a perfect fusion between 4 four different spirit in total improvisation with 6 synth, 2 BAR, 1 groovebox and 4 laptop :-)) Yes, don't forget the work of KWen wich was a very appreciable guest on this memorable track!

DCE [be] - 14 years ago

good memories, a perfect fusion between 4 four different spirits in total improvisation with 6 synth, 2 BAR, 1 groovebox and 4 laptop :-)) Yes, don't forget the work of KWen wich was a very appreciable guest on this memorable track!

rf061992 [be] - 13 years ago
