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yaka - something something


just an idea... waiting for something to smoothen it up...
someone with lyrics for this ..?





babbaracos [be] - 13 years ago

snare has a bit to much high for me, at least in the intro; lateron it sounds good
the piano and strings are to artificial
on the bright side, all the rest (tikketek, bass, beat, choir, pad) are cool
nice break! but the strings; just use some orchestral synth you can allmaost hear the ones and zero's :)))))
good progression
drop the last synth
all the above are just opinions...

intertec [be] - 13 years ago

Wow, great bass, i really like it. The whole mix sounds very clear. Rappers should be begging to rap on this song.

I would make this one my favorite, but it's only the snare that could sound fatter. I know its very hard to make that snare sound perfect.

yaka [be] - 13 years ago

any good strings in reason... ?? thx for the comments ... and ... a good rap voice would do this song good i guess ... :)

Anonymous [be] - 12 years ago
