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HerrMajer - After Sleep [Tight]


A cold electronica song for warm winter nights that ends out in mayhem. Please comment.

Lyrics (some verses are repeated):

I've been prayin' such a long time now
Wanna know what it's like to be held down
By a god that tells me how I should be
But then I wake up and scream I'm me

I know i've been there when I was a kid
But life has changed now at least some bit
For what it's worth I might change in time
But until then I'll stick with mine





Elfish [be] - 20 years ago

allright!! good voice-effect, and nice climax ;)

I would love to hear the extended version if this is the [tight] version :p

HerrMajer [be] - 20 years ago

I'll probably make a extended version to play it live: I'll cut down on the soft part, make the hard part longer, lil' bit harder and add a break or so, I'll see. Thanks for your comment!

amorph [be] - 20 years ago

nice work ... i just don't like the voice fx that much ...
it sounds a bit too high to me :)

HerrMajer [be] - 20 years ago

I was indeed pretty high while singing that tune ;)

firefrog [be] - 19 years ago

i love the use of an electric guitar in this kind of music!! already from the moment i bought a cd of wixel... lovely vocals!!!!!!!

yenneman [be] - 17 years ago

One of my first favourites when I first entered this community. Quality never fades...