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stazin - Vetiver Ice Hockey


Thought that cold ice and air or snow, just them alone should stop any active substance (incl. VIRUS) from its active movement, freezing it dumb: sometimes this might work; sometimes; anyways LIFE includes breathing wherever you go, going to go or just dont, soo0o0 you may as well sit back and enjoy playing the games, like for example this french game with these french words like Hockey sur glace Vétiver! Why not, / Silly virus wears a crown, how silly is that? Who knew that the world would come to this. Plain silly. / Vulcanized rubber pucks - AMAZING little things - better have one in pocket, in case of a sudden HOCKEY game. / anyways, WINTER, holidays, MerryXmas, lemonade, creeps whos drunk, chocolate, lemonade caps, MUSIC, etc.



