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copa - clockwise


first trancy dnb song i've made with reason. The mastering isn't perfect. Please comment the song. but be kind, i just installed the program a week ago.
enjoy :)


copa top 5:




yenneman [be] - 19 years ago

really good in my opinion. I dig the bass-sound very much, the synth at 1'55" and at 2'32" a bit less...but hey, I'm not too familiar with D'n'B, so this could be nonsense :)
Good job, man!

Chronical [be] - 19 years ago

this song is awesome!! ;)

copa [be] - 19 years ago


Ccreth [be] - 19 years ago

need to work on this track, but it's e good start for one week!

KWeN [be] - 19 years ago

Really nice melodics on your song, but the beats really doesn't fit with the song and specially the snare which is more for a jungle beat.
Keep working the song, there's a nice potential ;)

10tacle [be] - 19 years ago

well well... 1 of the chronical crew ;)
heard this track before :)
like the atmo... nice build up... but the snares are not my cup of thea ;)