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MucH - Ivery Sober




Doorchaser [be] - 19 years ago

You always manage to put this icecold feelings in your songs, melodywise, I envy you in that!


MucH [be] - 19 years ago

I let myself flow in the music, without limit, just with listening

I do that for every track's ^^
I think that in this manner I transcribe my feelings of the moment ..

Doorchaser [be] - 19 years ago

Does that mean that you're an icecold person then?

Naah I don't believe that ;-)

You know I try to do that to. and I find it hard to put the exact feeling into music. Sometimes it works, sometimes it don't!!

MucH [be] - 19 years ago

No, it's mean that i'm a depressive person :p (but some friends of me called me like that because my skin is very white, with the limit of transparency ?( :/ lol)

Exact feelings ? Try to make music just without an fixed idea, just listen to the first note, and to the second, etc etc, the rythm will follow :p (if you see what i mean ;))